Workforce Wellness

At Revitalize 3D, our goal for businesses is to help reduce workforce injuries and improve employee satisfaction and productivity which will ultimately help our business clients boost overall profits. We partner with employers and their employees to implement process that not only treat  injuries, but prevent them.

Construction worker

Do You Have Issues With Repetitive Work Injuries or Low Productivity?

To begin, we conduct a comprehensive workforce evaluation which looks at workplace ergonomics, sustained employee biomechanics throughout the day, and assesses employee energy levels and rates injury. After evaluation, we will give guidance on potential implementation of various ergonomics devices and changes in the workplace environment to improve employee body mechanics and posture to reduce work stress injuries. We will create a workplace wellness program which would offer a guided exercise, sleep, and nutrition to improve employee resilience against musculoskeletal overstress injuries.

When people are injured, even in mild circumstances, productivity goes down. This is in part due to potential disruptions in sleep and/or mental health condition. When our body hurts we have a tendency to get adopt a depressed mindset and/or we have a harder time focusing on the tasks we are trying to accomplish due to intermittent distractions coming from the body. If we can decrease stresses placed on the body that is great, but that may not always be the case. If we can’t decrease those stresses and forces being placed on the body then we must improve the body’s ability to tolerate those external forces and stresses. This occurs by improving the individual’s physical condition through adjustments in exercise, sleep, and nutrition. 

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It's Time to Get Back to Work - Pain Free

Our licensed physical therapist is equipped with the resources necessary for treatment of pain. In many cases, these treatment methods can provide relief and recovery for problems that patients have been facing for years. Don’t let your pain limit you. Contact Revitalize 3D today!