Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Prevention

Sometimes during our lives, we have accidents, injuries, or other ailments that may be holding us back from living our best life. Orthopedic rehabilitation is centered around precisely utilizing various treatment methods to stimulate the body to heal and strengthen tissues such as nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons, brain and spinal cord, and other visceral organs and tissues.

Orthopedic Rehab

We Can Help You Reduce and Eliminate Pain

At Revitalize 3D, we have a passion for Orthopedics and helping people optimize their physical potential in a holistic manner. We are consistently pushing into the research to ensure that their patients are always being provided the most up-to-date evidence-based treatment as possible.  After being evaluated, you will be given a specialized plan of care that may include some of the following treatment options:

All of the current research shows us that exercise is the top option for getting people better. There is a finesse to creating the right progressive exercise program that allows you to adapt to your condition and life circumstances from day to day to minimize soreness and discomfort while maximizing your ability to improve and achieve your functional goals. 

This is why one of our physical therapists will partner with you to develop the ideal HEP that is specific to your condition, while also taking into account your available resources and other life and time constraints.

All the most current evidence shows us that exercise is the most effective tool we have at our disposal to make lasting changes in our lives. At Revitalized 3D we also understand that there are many factors that need to be taken into account in order to truly prescribe a holistic home exercise program. 

One of our movement experts at Revitalize 3D will not only perform a movement and hands-on analysis to really fine-tune where your problem areas may lie, but they will help you develop a realistic and progressive plan to help you maintain success throughout your therapy, wellness, or performance journey.

Our physical therapists have received specialized training on integrative manipulative therapy of the spine. Joint manipulation and mobilization can be a powerful tool to be used in conjunction with exercise treatment to help improve functional or pain-free ROM, decrease joint sensitivity and pain, decrease radiating nerve-related symptoms, and improve joint load tolerance.

Our physical therapists utilize a Dynamic Integrative Needling (DIN) approach with this treatment option. This means that the technique utilized or the number of needles used and other various factors are adapted to your specific needs. 

Dry needling has been shown to reduce muscle pain, tightness, and spasms, peripheral and central nervous system sensitivity, and localized blood flow. 

This means that you can get the healing properties needed to that region of the body a little easier and reduce your irritability enough to allow you to do the exercises needed to help get you better.

Our physical therapists have an extensive amount of knowledge and experience in identifying body mechanic “faults”. Sometimes these “faults” may just be anatomical variance between person to person which is why it takes the inclusion of various points during the evaluation process to definitively say whether something is a contributing factor to your problem or not.

Language is a powerful tool. Here we stand-by the phrase “scientia potentia est” which is a Latin aphorism meaning “knowledge is power”. At Revitalize 3D we want to empower our patients with the most up-to-date research to help you understand your pain. The more knowledge you have about your pain the less it can control you and the more you can control it. 

Some individuals may not be fortunate enough to ever get to a completely pain-free life, but that doesn’t mean you should lose hope.

Our Doctors of Physical Therapy will help educate you on the various pain processes that occur in the body, help you better understand your particular pain(s) and how we can either resolve or manage them.

Modalities are an adjunct treatment that our physical therapists may utilize to help decrease pain, stimulate tissue healing, improve mobility, flexibility, tissue load tolerance, blood circulation, and decrease inflammation and nervous system sensitivity.

These modalities may include: 

    1. Ultrasound
    2. Electrical stimulation in conjunction with dry needling
    3. Conventional and Electro-cupping

Percussion massage therapy consists of utilizing a handheld percussion device which applies compression and vibration to the muscles in order to elicit a neuromuscular relaxation response and desensitize the local tissues. Recent studies have shown that many individuals will have an immediate change in muscle length, and therefore, experience improved functional ROM after treatment. This means that we can utilize this form of treatment to decrease muscle pain and tightness so you can move more easily.

IASTM is instrument-assisted soft tissue manipulation. IASTM is a specialized soft tissue treatment that utilizes handheld instruments to transfer pressure and shear stress to underlying soft tissue. IASTM treatment may induce regeneration and remodeling of soft tissue by helping to increase blood flow to the affected region and help stimulate the recruitment of repair and clean-up cells and other healing biochemicals.

Guided imagery, also known as guided affective imagery, is a mind-body intervention by which the therapist helps a patient to evoke specific mental images that simulate or re-create the action, event, or environment, and that may cause the patient to experience strong emotions or feelings. 

This can be utilized to help the patient become more comfortable with an event or activity and decrease some fear and anxiety prior to re-introducing it back into the patient’s life or routine. 

Guided imagery can also be used to decrease negative thoughts or feelings that an individual may have about a particular body part or region.

Graded Motor Imagery (GMI) is a therapy that allows patients to reduce pain and sometimes even eliminate it. GMI is used for complex pain and movement problems. It’s a process of training your brain away from pain using specific imagery (imagined or real).

Our brains are neuroplastic, which simply means that they constantly change and adapt from the experiences in our lives. When pain becomes chronic, it literally changes the way that the brain and the nervous system work. Your brain and nervous system learn pain, and the more you experience pain – the greater the chance of pain striking again as your pain system is stuck in a state of high-alert. 

GMI is broken down into three stages that are always done in a specific order: left/right discrimination, explicit motor imagery, & mirror therapy. These stages are designed to create optimal sensation and motor integration between the muscles and brain and gradually engage the motor networks within the brain without triggering the pain response.

It's Time to Get Rid of Pain

At Revitalize 3D, we have a passion for Orthopedics and helping people optimize their physical potential in a holistic manner. Don’t let your pain limit you. Contact Revitalize 3D today!