
Meet Dr. Collins

Hi, I’m Dr. Brian Collins, orthopedic and pelvic health physical therapist, and owner of Revitalize 3D: Therapy, Wellness, & Performance. I am a military veteran, tactical and fitness athlete coach, and Doctor of Physical Therapy, who knows firsthand what it’s like to be a patient, having dealt with chronic pain, surgeries, and mental health issues myself. I empower people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence so they can manage their life’s physical stresses. Through the utilization of a wellness-focused, multidimensional approach, I evaluate, diagnose, treat, and give a personalized plan to help people overcome their barriers to success so they can enjoy an active, fulfilling life.



At Revitalize 3D, we understand that people are multidimensional and complex beings and the needs of every person can be vastly different even if the conditions or goals are very similar which is what was the catalyst when naming the company. Our goal at Revitalize 3D is to utilize a combination of the various aspects of physical and mental health therapy, wellness coaching, and performance analysis and programming to create a unique and holistic plan of care that is specific to you. We are committed to helping people develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to manage life’s stresses, overcome obstacles, and improve their overall quality of life. We understand that people are complex beings both mentally and physically, and therefore, your plan of care should be unique to you and encompass all the various factors that may be influencing your pain or condition.


We utilize a biopsychosocial approach to diagnosis and treatment. We believe that all therapeutic plans of care should be holistic in nature and take into account all aspects in life that may be contributing to your problem. You are unique and your care should reflect that. We utilize a combination of manual therapies, dry needling, specific and targeted therapeutic exercises, pain neuroscience and other patient education, and other adjunct modalities to help you achieve your goals. 

Sometimes it isn’t pain or an injury that’s holding you back. It may be the fear of the unknown to take that first step. Maybe you’ve been pushing to make progress in various areas of your life, but can’t seem to get moving forward. Let us partner with you to create a specific plan of care tailored to your needs to help achieve your optimal wellness and performance goals. 

We deeply believe that the most effective plans of care often require collaboration between various healthcare professionals. This is why we have made it our mission to network with several healthcare professionals in our community to ensure that our patients always get the best care possible.